Photos from my Keitai (mobile)! These photos aren't of the highest quality, they were on normal settings =)
Super spicy burger ring lookalikes but taste muchhhhhhhhhhhhhh better and spicy and crunchier.... saku saku.

Flower made out of chocolate wrapper!

Conan movie! Went and saw it and understood most of it... surprisingly =O

Akio desu. Fang Lin ga shinderu. Gohan mo.

Chopper photos! Admire the cuteness...................................

I made the bottom one - steamed egg with pork. Yes it looks a little bit weird (and you can see the two spoonfuls that we ate) but it tasted yummy!... said Fang Lin.


Random night sky.

Random curry from C&C House

Photos from Jindaiji trip from ages ago. Naoki with Shinde's camera inside the beanie

Eating chips at Tammy's apartment. Free food!

Leaves from Jindaiji =D

/end Jindaiji

Gotta be careful of....

Bursting balloon inside of jacket!?


Linda's food!

Fang Lin's food!

Lee Doo Won's food! (random breakfast in the morning)

Tomoya! He went to UQ for a month and rode the 454 from Indro =O

Kadri's food! (outstanding)

Mister Donut's food! Actually this odd shaped one tastes really good...

Freshness burger food! I like Mos Burger better though...

Cool cat

View from the City Hall in Chofu

Random leaves on campus

Korean food again!

Lee Doo Won again! Great chef (but spicy for me LOL)

Linda!!!! Slightly cut off

First ever photo wasssssssss Hachiko!