Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nikko trip - Day 2 Round-up

Day 2! Everyone was quite tired from walking heaps...

Wake up Yen Yu!!

Very sleepy...

団長(だんちょう)Shinde up for another day

We took a short walk in a nice park near where we were staying (which was joint to an old run-down supermarket that is no longer in use)

This river + bridge made for some fantastic photos:

Jump photos!!!!! First one failed majorly

Let's try again!

Naoki-chan and Naoko-obaasan.

Fang Lin reliving her childhood.

King Roffi and his two loyal guards.

Kosagoe - the place we stayed (if you can read it)

Heading again to Toshogu with a nice long river and short waterfalls.

A guy swinging a big pole to ring a bell... looks heavy....

Part 1 of my lunch: Curry Pie!!! It sounded so weird and looked just the same that we tried it... and the curry was chouuuuuuuuu umai!

Part 2: Nikuman!! A simple bun with some meat inside, wasn't too bad.

After lunch we went inside Toshogu and other such temples:

Sleepy guide... 辛苦了

Random sky pic:

Bus trip back to the train station - time to head home!

Sleepy train ride home:

Sleeping... or not???

The end.


  1. you are really high jumper^^


  2. jason! hey, thought i had to make an account to comment :p

    where are the news pics huh, it's been 9 days already!!!
